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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Forgotten Memory 9/28/07

An image remaining from long years before,
Waiting for a backward glance,
Its smile filled with irony
At its own forgotten self,
Just waiting for a backward glance
To blow away the fog,
Reimbibe those lost senses,
From memories of old,
To somehow connect to to new
And renew,
Growing in fondness, endurance,
But sadly it is only a hope,
A weak one, growing weaker,
While the old wished remain unfulfilled,
Left to be hidden in the dust.

The Fears Of One Girl 10/2/07

Time to stop the ruse,
The rigidity of rules is almost at its close,
The hands have almost relinquished,
And the doubt remains,
What is independence worth with virginity clinging
to my lips?
Simply through fear of self-doubt
And corruption,
Fear of holding the offered hand
Of sweet freedom and dark consequences,
Unaccomplished extremities staring openly,
Yet my character resists the urge to try,
And undones remain undone,
While the questions have an air of degradation,
For the naivete of one girl,
Whose life is so closed
That a breath of fresh air pains her lungs,
Who've constricted too much these 17 years,
And at the brink of total womanhood,
She trembles.
The only one to do so
In the long line of ones before, ones behind.


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