hello! i'm a normal girl having a normal life trying to have fun time so........i hope you like my blog! (by the way go here-I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

i feel............


[silent sobs]

what a day......

*well, well, well...........look at who's finally here*
i did my best.........i'm sorry that i had homework and other work......
*DON'T even say that...*
i'm.....i'm..........NOT SORRY!
*oh....i see...so that's how you treat your inner voice*
HEY you started it!
*nuh uh*
u huh
*nuh uh*
u huh
*nuh uh*
u huh
well ANYWAYS i am sorry Arimi and Shavantay for not posting, just forgot......
but i'm back now so don't worry!
well i have to go to some boring party tonight so i have to dress up and everything...BORING!
you know what is soooooo surprising?
i haven't posted in like FOREVER and i don't really know what to say....i mean really! it's not like i'll suddenly unravel my deepest darkest secret that i've kept all my life!
that would be really stupid because i have no idea who is reading this..............
for all i know it could be some guy on crack!
that's a scary thought because this one girl posted her pictures on the comp and she got freaky videos of a guy with foamy white stuff dripping down his neck......................
but you know i am not that stupid...........by the way my mom said today,"Jessica i don't like you doing things ALONE with someone.YOU'RE STUPID and i don't think you will know if someone is taking advantage of you or not."
now do you think i won't now when someone is sticking his **** up inside of me?
it's these kinds of days that i wish i had a different mom..........i mean she' s kind an' all but i mean she said that she will force me to marry some guy that she likes because she thinks i'm gonna pick wrong! well that just makes me want to come home with a goth and piercings all over his body and say,"Guess what mom? I GOT MARRIED!"
she would have a heart attack!
(evil laugh)

okay i'm not that evil...i love my mom and would never do that.....
*or would you?*
*i see that "........"*
that means nothing....
* u huh....right*
no really
*yeah of course it means nothing*
you know you are REALLY getting on my nerves now
[sounds of choking occur and you slowly walk away from the computer...]

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday Night (Live)!

well it's saturday night and how are you all out there?
(crowd cheers uncontrollably and one guy throws himself on the stage only to be stopped by security)
any ways i hope your ready for a great show tonight because we are so busy trying to make the best show thst you will love it! first up.....HEADLINE NEWS with HOT-GIRL:
well there are some bright days to come. hot hot and hot! oh and on the front of the newspaper this morning, hot-girl's friends had seen a boy take off his shirt in a track meet and will not tell HOT-GIRL which is angering HOT-GIRL and hot-girl's other friend WEIRD-GIRL too! as soon as HOT-GIRL'S FRIEND reads this post she nust call immediatly or a storm may develop which would cause a world meltdown! thankyou!

well i guess news is okay for now. now for the letters!

first letter:
i'm your biggest fan and i love you HOT-GIRL! will you marry me?

well..........no thanks.
second letter:
you are so hot! why have you not posted in such a while.
i miss you

well lets just say i was busy which is entirely false because i was just doing homework and my mom was always hogging the computer and i kept forgetting but..........i'm sorry and i'll try to post more often!

that's all for today folks but please stay tune because a storm may erupt and we will all die. thankkyou and good night!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


today was okay......
half day......
nothing to do.....
want to do something.....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


today was okay and do you know what! i was walking in the halls from lunch and Steven says,"do you think i'm hiper."
and i say,"no."
and he says ,"do you think i'm ever hiper."
and i say no and he kicks me and ha kicks me and i'm surprised but then BEN BAISER comes up and is like i saw you kick her and he's like no i didn't and i said you guys are weird because you have to admit-boys are weird!

anyways Ben kept hitting steven because he kicked me and then i got the water bottle in my hand and i wacked Steven and Ben said, "if a girl hit's you....you know what that means...."
and i get sooooo mad and i start wacking Ben AND Steven and they both were laughing and of course you know i hate when people laugh at me so i hit them harder!

*by the way, a water bottle is a good weapon for hitting boys with*

so back to the story, then i got to decorate Ben's binder with a white out pen.
fun spanish class!

so my day went okay and i got to get my aggression out on someone so i'm happy!;)
well, BYE!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A New Day

today school was okay but i just can't help getting annoyed when two people are whispering to eachother right in front of me
*even if you do it*
so what......i'm not hurting anyone's feelings...
*yeah!that's why everyone looks at you and wants to know what you said!*
*good job*
anyways i was wearing a really short shirt (so it wasn't that short like a hippie's)
but still and i just got very uncomfortable but at home i'm walking around like nothing in the world can push me down.........hmmmmmmm

Stand Strong

as i wake up this morning,
i vow to stay strong,
i wash my face,
and all my iniquities go down the drain,
i change my clothes and i change my attitude,
nothing in the world can push me down..........

i stand up tall in school,
and suddenly i have more pride in myself,
more confidence in myself,
more courage to stand strong through the hordes of people in the hallways,
no one in the world can push me down...........

as i answer a question,
i feel aloof in happiness from this new feeling i feel,
this feeling of.........independence,
and i know,
anything CAN push me down if i let it..........
but nothing and no one can if i stand strong.

OH WOW! i loved that and it goes with my music video wonderfully don't you think!
well, see ya later!

Monday, April 04, 2005


i feel soooooo happy that today i had school i mean i know this may sound geeky but..........i MISSED school! anyways it felt like the first day of school and for my birthday i got a hair straightener and my hair was so pretty and straight and i wore the new brown shirt with a white cami, jeans, matching belt, and matching jacket! OH MY GOD I LOOKED SOOOOOO CUTE! and my friend (*cough Shavantay cough*) kept harassing me about it.........yeah i know i look good but you do not have to announce it to the world..............oh AND we had a test on a part in the song we are playing and i nailed it pretty good on my flute even though i was pretty much dieing with nervous twitches but now i'm fine so don't worry (*twitch*) no really i'm just joking.

oh! and shavantay........you did freak me out with your post...........please do not be that close to me (*shivers*) and Audrey.......is that true? i was curious and i didn't have to time to check the site but otherwise it seems pretty cool.....of course how would i know........i am VERY gullible.............so friends i leave till tomorrow and hope you all had a WONDERFUL day and i f you didn't.............well............i hope tomorrow you will! ;)